Thursday, May 29, 2008

"New Lane" by Steph and Dan Goes Double Platinum!!

In Penang, there is only two things you can do - EAT or go JALAN-JALAN. Well, walking is never a good option and eating is no better. So, my cousin, Dan, and I, Steph, decided to be different and tried something new - we made a song. " New Lane" is our album(Penang Hawkers) debut - a song about a hawker stall in Penang. We wanted to give our moral support to the hawker to keep on selling hawker food!!! We love you, New Lane!!

Indiana Rocked The Cinema - TWICE!!

As most of you probably know, i'm an indiana jones fanatic! And i've been waiting for the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to premiere for a year! Amazing that my patience lasted so long. Well, i've finally watched the movie! And boy, was it good. It was soooo good that i decided to watch it again. My parents, being very understanding, allowed me to watch it twice - on the big screen (cinema, for some) !! Still waiting for the third time!!! However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for being so patient and understanding!!! Thanks mom! Thanks dad!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

read ONLY if you're as depressed as me

Hey people, i know i have not updated my blog since ages ago, forgive me. Well, the truth is.... i don't really know what the truth is, but i know i feel very down, lately. I've come to realize that life for me can be quite hard to be satisfied with. People change. Friends aren't really what they were before. The thing is, i sort of feel frustrated with the fact that life isn't perfect, after all. I've got nothing else to top it off with and therefore, i shall retire to my bed now... PS: i hope i haven't depressed you in any way..