Saturday, April 26, 2008

An Exhausting Day, I'd Say

Eh, you know arh, today arh, so damn tiring you know or not? Translation: Did you know that today was utterly exhausting? Well, I'll tell you why. 1) Woke up at eight for nothing, thinking that it was nine. 2) Went to school at eleven - march past practice. Practiced till four. 3) Shouted the hell out of myself while marching. 5) the make up stung my face like sh*t ( I decided to use my language decently). 6) Slipper fell out while marching - ran around the field with one bare foot trying to get my slipper back from the captain.

And now, my legs and arms hurt like hell and thus, I shall retire to my bed. G'night.

Hugs and kisses,
The Guru
(Whom is really pissed off right now)

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