Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Generation of Today!

We ALL know our world is developing rapidly, yes it is. However, did you come to know that children's minds are developing just as fast? Yes - they are getting greedier, nastier, and even their poo is smellier ( do NOT ask how i came across that fact). Most of all, these aggressive little twerps are CREATIVE - they always manage to get their way. Here's a photo of my baby cousin aka "The Terror Twerp". I know he looks really REALLY cute but unfortunately, he should have came with a warning sign saying "BEWARE: CHAOS IS ON IT'S WAY!" on that tiny forehead of his.
Look at that face! Eyebrows pulled together into a menacing get-your-hands-off-my-present look. As horrible as he can be, he IS still cute, isn't he? Well, as I said, the secret to getting what you want is to look cute (which explains why adults don't always get what they want). That's all for today on the "Generation of Today!"

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Walls... man's greatest invention

Ever heard of the 'wall'? Made out of slabs of cement and blocks of bricks, walls are simply.... FASCINATING, do you not agree? Mankind's greatest invention, in fact. Well, here i shall prove my point.


Having A Bad Day?

Having a bad day? Well, I've got a little treat for you...

Now you have yourself a good day, you hear me?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can I Like.... Die Right Now?

OHMIGOD! Ms P is SOOOO gonna kill me. If you're wondering who Ms P might be, I'll have you know that she's my Geography teacher. Why a post about her? Because 40% of my stress comes from HER! Yes, as sweet and kind as she may seem, Ms P can be TERRIFYING! Oh well, i might as well commit suicide right here, right now. Wanna know what i did that was SOOO bad? Well, I spilt water on my notebook.... I know.... *GASP!!*, right? Okay, okay.... HAPPY THOUGHTS, HAPPY THOUGHTS.. Does God hate me that much? Well, no offense, Mr Almighty, but please tell me that the soaking notebook is not mine.... Who knows? One day i might just end up in a psych ward. Ahh.... Sounds like peace and relaxation...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The KP craze mania!!

What am i blabbering about? The Click Five's Kyle Patrick is hot on the market! If you ask anyone (excluding guys, parents, other adults and the elderly) who went about the recent Click Five concert in Genting, they'd go like "Kyle Patrick!!!" or, "He was So HOT!!!" or maybe " He's SO MINE!!" and other don't-make-me-puke lines. Don't worry, I don't have the hots for him... never did, never will. Thank god there's Alice - Alice the Music Lover, Alice the i-can't-live-without-music lady etc. She, thank god, is one of the few earthlings that does NOT like Kyle Patrick. She's like... "Who's KP? Kim Possible?" That had me laughing like a retard..

Let's compare, shall we?

See the similarity between the two? Now I can understand how Alice could have mixed it up (NOTE: detect the sarcasm in my voice). Oh well, I guess that's about it... but what do i have against KP? You know how they say that hate turns to love... Maybe i DO like him.. On the second thought, NO WAY!!