Sunday, July 6, 2008

The KP craze mania!!

What am i blabbering about? The Click Five's Kyle Patrick is hot on the market! If you ask anyone (excluding guys, parents, other adults and the elderly) who went about the recent Click Five concert in Genting, they'd go like "Kyle Patrick!!!" or, "He was So HOT!!!" or maybe " He's SO MINE!!" and other don't-make-me-puke lines. Don't worry, I don't have the hots for him... never did, never will. Thank god there's Alice - Alice the Music Lover, Alice the i-can't-live-without-music lady etc. She, thank god, is one of the few earthlings that does NOT like Kyle Patrick. She's like... "Who's KP? Kim Possible?" That had me laughing like a retard..

Let's compare, shall we?

See the similarity between the two? Now I can understand how Alice could have mixed it up (NOTE: detect the sarcasm in my voice). Oh well, I guess that's about it... but what do i have against KP? You know how they say that hate turns to love... Maybe i DO like him.. On the second thought, NO WAY!!