Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dedicated to Jenson

This is super random, but what the heck, right?

Friday, October 17, 2008


Termites! This Author completely detest them! Yes, gentle reader, This Author has indeed seen one not so long ago. Horrible. Disgusting. Ew. It was feeding on a wooden plank and went like cht.... cht cht cht... By God, it made This Author squirm just by looking! Yes again, gentle reader, This Author does not blame you if you think she has indeed lost her mind - sometimes people need to chill, okay? Have a nice weekend.

Dear God

Though I'm in no position
To question God's ways
I have more than one question
Most I dare not say

Dear God,
Why do people suffer
Pain all over their faces
What happened to laughter?
Has it been forgotten over the ages?

Dear God,
As hard as I try
Things never turn out right
All the more the urge to cry
Knowing the future isn't indeed bright

Dear God,
Pray tell
Why do I feel so sad?
Locked up in a cell
Feeling like a cad

Dear God,
Is the world ending?
Is all hope lost?

This Author, 17.10.08, 10.56 p.m.