Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ms Tai, THIS is amazing!

Something I'd Like To See

Hey, Ms T! I know - you've finally found a place among the teachers This Author despises. Hopefully, you won't penalize my marks for the coming exams. Remember the time you showed us those (so-called) A-M-A-Z-I-N-G magic tricks! By the way, my mom thinks it doesn't make sense and my brother thought I was talking about history and swore he would never like it. Okay, this is not ENTIRELY true - I didn't bother telling anyone about it. Well guess what? I have a great idea! Why don't you try this UBERLY AWESOME trick - disappear (and never come back) !

Friday, August 29, 2008


No, This Author is telling yet another lie - how nice. This Author wonders if her sins would go unnoticed forever. On second thought, there's simply NO WAY that could ever happen. And yes, if you're wondering, This Author kinda feels absurdly random lately (another lie). Okay, let's discuss the budget for 2009. I learned one thing. If you're a Malaysian smoker, PAY ATTENTION. The price of cigarettes have gone up by 80 sen! Is that not amazing - you get to much? if you quit now! Happy Ending. And that wraps up today's crap - Have a lovely day or, as my old tour guide in Egypt would say, "I wish for all of you, a lovely day!"

PS: Remember, when you say it, it all comes out in one breath - like "Iwishforallofyoualovelyday!"

A Little Too Much Info?

Okay, This Author feels kinda confessy today. Why? Only the Almighty knows. Before you read this - WARNING: Contains This Author's Worst Fear, Not For The Faint-hearted. Well, now that we've cleared that out, This Author shall begin spilling. You know how you're afraid of something, just so terribly afraid but you don't know why? Well, maybe not but This Author has one Great fear - the fear that when doing her business, a monstrous hand/face appears at the bottom of the toilet bowl. I know, I know - WTF. Before I humiliate myself anymore, This Author is officially saying toodles. For Now.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Emo quotes on Messenger

When This Author signs in on msn, the first thing she sees is "Miss you like crazy" or "Will love you whether you know it or not" or worse, "I see you but you don't see me". What is up with the emos of today? In This Author's opinion, this makes them seem like some really sad case desperado. Honestly, This Author has nothing to say - no experience. But if you like that special someone, you don't have to tell the whole world, do you? Feel free to have your say - This Author needs some lessons on emos.

Monday, August 18, 2008

This Author Is Has A New Resolution!

This Author is feeling generous lately - I know, I know, this is RARE! In other words, This Author feels too rich (Yea, right!). Well, that is partially true. That's why This Author feels like donating - so come join me in my good deed! As they say Good Karma.. wait, what DO they say? Let's put it this way - What Goes Around Comes Around. I don't know if I'll get any richer, but it's worth a shot!

PS: This Author was just kidding about getting richer (though I know it's obvious).

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mika's Back!

Yup, you heard right, all right! Mika is BACK (though it seems he never left). He's currently working on his SECOND album - woohoo! Oh, and to all those - no words can describe you - who think This Author is talking about some Jap singer, You are SO wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. This Author has taken her ever-so-precious time to talk about the ONE and ONLY Mika aka Michael Holbrook Penniman! Again, This Author has nothing to say to the ones who gawk at the mention of his name thinking 'am I supposed to know this dude?' or maybe even a dumbfounded 'huh?'. Anyways, go check out some of his songs that This Author absolutely L-O-V-E-S. But This Author still prefers "Ring Ring" above the rest. Happy listening!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A little something to say

Hey, all you earthlings! I'm so sorry you had to read the previous post. I'm sure you'd never have thought I could even BE like that. However, I won't take the post down, not now, at the very least. I just couldn't contain myself. Emotions rushed through my head like a whirlwind - I really had to let it out. Sorry!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

1 Way To Lose A Bet (Easily)

You know when you do unreasonable and stupid things sometimes? Yea, I was thinking about those moments and came across memory of a time when I made a bet. A really, really stupid one, in fact - I bet that I wouldn't cry. What was so hard about not crying? Well, the difficult part was, I couldn't cry while we watched the SAPPIEST movies in history. Knowing me, I DEFINITELY lost the bet. At least we weren't betting on money - we were doing it just for the fun of it. Still, I can't believe I made that bet!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


That would mean "Drinking Doesn't Make You Feel Better!" in a slang I learned from Roots. But you be the judge, I rather like the acquired taste (just a little). I'm just posting this because I made a little.... short poem? Yes, it's what I do during exams (I quite possibly have an album!). Here goes nothing!
I've seen people cheer,
I've seen people jeer,
But people who drink beer,
Only seem to sneer.

Breaking Dawn Is Here!

Okay, by now you probably already know that I LOVE to read. Call me a nerd, call me a geek (though the term usually applies to techy people) but I won't deny that READING'S MY THING. Of course, I shall have you know that I don't just read ANY book - I read romance and chic-lit. Well, most of the time. Okay, enough about me. I was SUPPOSED to post this as to show my many thanks to Aiman A. Marzio (she's probably gonna kill me for using her full name but, what the heck XD). Whatever for, you ask? Well, she was kind enough to borrow me the latest book in the Twilight series - BRAKING DAWN! Oh, and I'm supposed to apologize too cause I told her the ending of the third book - Bella and Edward get engaged! (seriously, when she said "What?" I thought she meant "What happens in the end?") Oh well, I've probably ruined the book for you guys too. Sorry!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Indy's Back (and now with a whip!)

Being a VERY big fan on Indiana Jones, I DETEST people who call him Indian Jones, Indyana Jones etc. Trust me, there ARE people who call him that! Like... HOW COULD THEY! Right? Well, here's a little lesson - it's EEN-DEE-YEA-NA JONES, people! Anyways, I never got to tell you what I really wanted to say. I was going to thank Cheah Yivon (that's right, CHEE-YAH YEE-VON) for the Indiana Jones Action Figure! I really, really love it! I couldn't thank you enough. Okay, I guess my Oscar winning speech is done. D-O-N-E.

And then came INDIANA JONES!


Julia Quinn Rocks My Socks!! XD

As lame as that might sound, IT'S TRUE! Here I am, helping Julia Quinn promote her books to my faithful readers *self-indulgent moment* even though I know there ain't many of you. Back to the topic, I recommend you read her Bridgerton series - They're soooo sweet! And I read all eight of the books - no regrets. So go check out the books, kay? Seriously, if you're a romantic, you'll enjoy her books.

PS: These are the old covers. The new ones are much, MUCH better. Enjoy!

Let Me Introduce You To....

The No-Techs. The next generation of Low-Techs. What on Earth am I blabbering about? Technically - my dad and sister. He who knows nothing of computers and she who can't seem to figure out Facebook. Aren't they sad, the two of them? My dad can go on and on and on about football but when it comes to skype - "What's Skynet?". Yes, I'm sorry to say, but my dad is an official caveman. My sister? She's not that bad but when it comes to Facebook, or Limewire, or basically anything that's 'in', she's a goner. So I don't really know if I should consider her a cavewoman but I'd do anything to keep her silent instead of "Steph!!!!! How do I add an application on Facebook?"

Mamma Mia!

Have you heard? Mamma Mia's out! And truly, all you can say about it is.....well...... Mamma Mia! No, not because everyone's talking bout it, not because the movie's great, but only because of the cast! Like, c'mon - who would've ever thought Pierce Brosnan could ever sing? Or Colin Firth, for that matter. And to top it off - ABBA SONGS! Truly... MAMMA MIA!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bob Marley + Heath Ledger?

Of course, as your natural first reaction, you'd definitely be like... "What on EARTH is that supposed to mean?!" or, if you're like every other teen... "Who the heck is Bob Marley? Why is he compared to SWEET, SWEET Heath?". Either way, they basically have two things in common, maybe three. 1) They're Fabulously Famous! and 2) They are the two people in which people really look up to (including me - I LOVE THEM!) and last but not least (and not very pleasant either), 3) they're no longer with us. This post is basically dedicated to them - YOU WILL
ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED! And, of course, may you rest in peace.

From left to right:
Bob Marley , Heath Ledger

Exams, exams, exams - Need I say more?

The title says it all, do you not think so? Well, for those of you that are THAT blurr, let me explain. As most of you are aware, THE SECOND-MID SEMESTER EXAMS ARE HERE! Nope, there ain't nothing else to exams but intense study sessions - and of course, loads of FOOD. If you didn't know this earlier, I eat when I study. To be honest, that was actually a little white lie... I eat 24/7. And no, I do not feel ashamed of myself - EVERYONE knows that NO ONE loves food as much as I do. So why hide it? Speaking of food, I hear the food downstairs calling out to me. Just think of the sambal my maid prepared..... HEAVEN! Oh well, there's no use boring you to death with my eating habits - I'm having an early dinner today!