Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mika's Back!

Yup, you heard right, all right! Mika is BACK (though it seems he never left). He's currently working on his SECOND album - woohoo! Oh, and to all those - no words can describe you - who think This Author is talking about some Jap singer, You are SO wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. This Author has taken her ever-so-precious time to talk about the ONE and ONLY Mika aka Michael Holbrook Penniman! Again, This Author has nothing to say to the ones who gawk at the mention of his name thinking 'am I supposed to know this dude?' or maybe even a dumbfounded 'huh?'. Anyways, go check out some of his songs that This Author absolutely L-O-V-E-S. But This Author still prefers "Ring Ring" above the rest. Happy listening!

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