Monday, August 4, 2008

Exams, exams, exams - Need I say more?

The title says it all, do you not think so? Well, for those of you that are THAT blurr, let me explain. As most of you are aware, THE SECOND-MID SEMESTER EXAMS ARE HERE! Nope, there ain't nothing else to exams but intense study sessions - and of course, loads of FOOD. If you didn't know this earlier, I eat when I study. To be honest, that was actually a little white lie... I eat 24/7. And no, I do not feel ashamed of myself - EVERYONE knows that NO ONE loves food as much as I do. So why hide it? Speaking of food, I hear the food downstairs calling out to me. Just think of the sambal my maid prepared..... HEAVEN! Oh well, there's no use boring you to death with my eating habits - I'm having an early dinner today!

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